
David Laskin, best-selling author of the book, The Family, said: Medical writer and professional genealogist Jane Neff Rollins gave a spellbinding talk about how to deal with sensitive and scandalous discoveries. In the course of researching her family history, Rollins has ferreted out a raft of secrets and transgressions that relatives have hidden over the […]

David Laskin

I have been going through the report, and I am VERY pleased.   I continue to be amazed at what a great job you did.   It was a FABULOUS report, far more than I could have expected.  My wife LOVED the report. She could tell how difficult the work was.

Jeff Koepke

Your classes were so stimulating, excellent and WOW! Usually I get home from a class, start trying to find the things the instructor told us about, and I meet more brick walls, but NOT this time… I found my Great Grandfather, Carl after listening to your talk who I have been looking for over 10 years.

Nancy Peralta

You have such a careful and astute ability to analyze clothing and style: so meticulous and accurate.

Rachel S Goodman
